Where do you go back when you’ve been everywhere? - Part IV

POSTED ON 09,Apr 2024
Where do you go back when you’ve been everywhere? - Part IV

In the fourth instalment of our exciting blog series, we have Naveen Rana, an expert travel agent, sharing his most beloved destination that keeps calling him back time and again. Read on to know the destination that has Naveen's heart.

Welcome back to our captivating blog series, "Where do you go back when you’ve been everywhere?" We're here to uncover those gems of travel wisdom from seasoned travellers who, despite having traversed the globe, always find themselves longing for that one special place.

For our fourth instalment, we're delighted to chat with Naveen Rana, an experienced travel agent and a true wanderlust aficionado. His journeys have taken him far and wide, yet amidst all the destinations he's explored, there's one that holds a special allure for him - the breathtaking Maldives.

Let’s see what makes Maldives the go-to destination for Naveen:

1. Where do you find yourself craving to go back when you’ve been to so many destinations?  

The one destination that I’ll probably never get tired of visiting is Maldives.

2. Why is it that after exploring so many destinations, you always find yourself craving to go back to this specific destination? Is it nostalgia, a sense of comfort, familiarity, or something else? What exactly draws you back repeatedly?

The charm of Maldives, for me, lies in its ability to make dreams come true. It's not just about the luxurious resorts or breathtaking scenery; it's about the unique experiences that Maldives offers that I hadn’t ever thought I would be able to do. For instance:

  • Propeller airplane: Until that trip, I had never experienced the thrill of flying in a propeller aircraft. It may sound trivial, but for me, it was a significant first-time experience.
    Sitting next to a pilot had always been a dream, albeit a seemingly impossible one unless you know a pilot personally. However, while riding a sea-plane in the Maldives, I felt a semblance of that dream come true. Being just a few feet away from the pilot during our transfer to a property was an exhilarating experience.
  • Sea take-off and landing: Despite witnessing numerous flights taking off and landing on conventional runways, experiencing sea take-offs and landings was entirely new to me. It was a bit challenging, but I found myself enjoying the unique thrill of these water-based transfers. This experience made me understand why some prefer ferry transfers over sea-plane journeys.
  • Snorkelling: My first snorkelling experience was in Maldives. Observing the sea floor and marine life up close was a transformative experience. It broadened my perspective on experiencing natural beauty, expanding beyond the usual landscapes of hills, forests, and snow-capped peaks that I was accustomed to all my life.

3. In your extensive travels, can you recount a specific moment or experience from this place you often revisit that truly stands out?

If I have to pick one, I’m going to say that the seafood in the Maldives was unbelievably fresh, so much so that even after enjoying it for days, I was not bored. I could actually taste the difference from seafood I've had in places like Goa back in India to the delicious seafood in Maldives. I often find myself craving for it.

And let's talk about the azure water—I just can’t explain the beauty of it! I am constantly amazed at how clear it is. You can even spot tiny sea creatures just a few meters away, glimmering like little underwater stars. Each time I experience it, it’s just as magical, something you can only experience in waters so pure and transparent.

4. Over the years, places can evolve and change. How have you witnessed the transformation of a destination you frequently revisit? How does this evolution affect your connection to the place?

A decade or so ago, the Maldives wasn't as accessible due to limited flights, making it a luxury reserved for a few. Complaints about services were common back then, with travellers often feeling shortchanged despite hefty expenses.

Fast forward to today, and I struggle to recall a single instance worth complaining about. It might sound trivial, but during my recent trip, I inadvertently locked myself out of my room (thanks to RFID cards replacing traditional keys) and found myself grumbling about the inconvenience. However, thanks to the resort's advanced technology and proactive tips during check-in, I managed to resolve the issue swiftly using their app. Within minutes, a staff member arrived with the key card.

This increased accessibility has not compromised the quality of experiences; instead, it has enhanced them. Services have improved significantly, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable stay for visitors.  

5. With so many new destinations waiting for you to explore, why do you choose to revisit this particular destination?

I will keep it short and simple. There are just so many islands left that I haven’t yet explored, so many local legends and stories I haven’t yet heard, and so much seafood left to eat. I’m often daydreaming about the beautiful sunsets over the sea, the turquoise water, the starry night sky, the fresh seafood, you know? I don’t think I’m ever going to get tired of all of this. While I do want to explore as many destinations as I possibly can, Maldives just holds this comfortable little spot in my heart that makes me want to revisit over and over again.

6. Even when you've covered substantial ground, there's often a desire for more exploration. How do you balance returning to a familiar place with your drive to discover new destinations?

The Maldives offers a plethora of experiences beyond what one might imagine, each island carrying its unique narrative of preservation and harmony with marine ecosystems. While books and videos can provide glimpses, true understanding comes from firsthand experiences.

The tranquillity of the Maldives serves as a vital respite, allowing visitors to recharge mentally amidst life's daily pressures. Returning to Maldives is like revisiting a familiar paradise while also embarking on new adventures. The familiarity of certain experiences, such as the warm hospitality and stunning sunsets, creates a sense of comfort. At the same time, there's always something new to discover, whether it's a secluded beach, an underwater marvel, or a cultural experience on a local island.

7. What are your favourite places to eat at (local or popular) whenever you revisit?

In Maldives, the resort-based dining experiences stand out as favourites. The freshness and quality of seafood dishes, combined with picturesque beachside settings take the dining experience to a whole new level. As for hidden gems, exploring lesser-known islands and interacting with the local communities also give you a different side of Maldives beyond its luxurious resorts.

8. While well-known places often attract attention, there are hidden gems that hold a special place in our hearts. Could you reveal one such hidden gem you return to when you’re revisiting this destination and explain its allure?

Okay so, this is definitely not a hidden gem, but the one aspect of Maldives that holds the most special place in my heart is the turquoise water. Just hear me out, yeah?

Water has this incredible hold over my memories and experiences. It might sound simple but let me explain why it means so much. I come from the beautiful northern parts of India, specifically Himachal, where my childhood was spent in a village nestled close to a river. Those summer days followed a comforting routine: mornings filled with a hearty breakfast and refreshing swims, afternoons for lunch and a power nap to beat the mountain heat, and evenings spent on exciting adventures by the river before calling it a day. Now, why am I sharing these everyday details? It's because during my trip to the Maldives, my friend and I, both of us hailing from the mountains, naturally fell into a similar rhythm during our stay.

It's incredible how just a short ten-minute dip could not only cleanse the body but also refresh the mind, surpassing all expectations. I can still vividly recall the thrill of witnessing consecutive sunsets and sunrises, with just short power naps in between. If we had stayed in a landlocked resort with only a swimming pool, it wouldn't have been the same. There's something truly captivating about the vastness of the ocean that cannot ever be compared to the confined environment of a man-made pool.

9. What are the specific spots you visit all over again at this destination and why?

South atoll. It's because of speedy transfer from airport and with more options of island hopping, especially it’s an add-on if the resort you are staying at, has a chain of other properties which you can explore (due to intermediate transfers managed by them).

10. What would an ideal 7-days itinerary for this destination look like for you?

For fellow adventure seekers like me who believe in making the most of every moment, here's a rough guide to get the most out of your time there:

Day 1: Take the first day to unwind and recharge after the journey. A long flight and all the accompanying logistics demand a bit of downtime.
Day 2: Dedicate a full day to scuba diving/snorkelling. It's a physically demanding but incredibly rewarding experience that requires focus and self-confidence underwater.
Day 3: Embark on a sunrise or sunset cruise—a very memorable experience with music, local performances, and delectable cuisine.
Day 4: Explore nearby islands with a day tours. Use this day for some island-hopping.
Day 5: For couples, a candlelight dinner by the seaside at sunset is perfect.
Day 6: Take your time to swim and marvel at the underwater world, a tranquil environment that soothes the soul and ignites wonder.
Day 7: Unwind, sip delicious cocktails, gobble down fresh seafood, and just relax.

As we wrap up our conversation with Naveen Rana, we're reminded the reason why we started this series in the first place –to share the profound connections we form with certain places. The Maldives, with its pristine beaches, azure waters, and unmatched serenity, serves not just as a destination but as a cherished memory etched in the hearts of passionate travellers like Naveen.

Stay tuned for more inspiring tales in our ongoing series, where we delve into the essence of travel and the places that truly capture our souls. Reach out to our expert travel agents and plan the holiday of your dreams at special deals!

Happy travels!

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